Hydropol MH 91

Chemical Denomination


Properties and Applications

Hydropol MH 91 is a premix for grouting mortar composed of cellulose ether, redispersible polymer, water repellent agents and special additives.

Grouting mortarFlexible – Indoor and outdoor areaHighly Recommended
Grouting mortarSpecials – Pools / facadesHighly Recommended


Handling in a dry and well-ventilated place is required. Use dust mask and protective gloves.

Storage / Packaging

The Product remains stable for 18 months if stored in a cool and ventilated place. Keep the product in always closed bags, hygroscopic product. The product goes in multi-ply sacks weighing 25 kg.

Physicochemical Characteristics

Analysis ItemUnitSpecifiedTest Method
Visual Appearance-White powder-
Humidity%Max. 4MIA LQ 06
Density( g/L )450 - 550MIA LQ 02
pH (1% solution)-8,5 – 9,5MIA LQ 05
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